Our vision is to make a sustainable contribution to sustainable plant breeding and plant research. In doing so, we focus on global challenges such as climate change and resource scarcity as well as local conditions and requirements in Baden-Württemberg and beyond. By using innovative technologies and researching a wide range of crops, we strive to find sustainable solutions for agriculture. With our work, we contribute to securing the food supply and are actively committed to preserving and increasing biodiversity. In doing so, we focus on combining tradition and progress and support the education of the next generation.
- The interface between research and application is the key to innovation in plant breeding.
The mission of the Landessaatzuchtanstalt (LSA) is to advance the development of sustainable and efficient plant breeding methods through dedicated and innovative research and to contribute to a resilient agriculture. We attach great importance to combining high-quality scientific research with practice-oriented application and training in order to prepare future generations of plant breeders and scientists for the challenges of a rapidly changing agricultural sector. We are committed to integrating modern digital technologies and biotechnological advances into our breeding programs to increase efficiency and respond to the needs of society and the market. We are committed to creating knowledge and solutions that are based on scientific excellence and can be implemented in practice.