RoggenPop - Improvement of population breeding in winter rye for organic farming


Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food (BMEL)


2023 – 2028





Bearbeitet durch

AG Roggen: Marvin Rose / Paul Gruner / Thomas Miedaner

The overall objective of the project is to develop an improved breeding methodology for self-incompatible rye populations. Rye is a drought-tolerant cereal with low disease incidence and high nutrient efficiency and is far ahead of other cereals (wheat) in this respect. At the same time, however, population breeding of rye has made very little progress, and hybrid breeding has been used instead with great breeding success. The development of DNA marker systems and the corresponding statistical methodology makes it possible to carry out population breeding more efficiently nowadays. Based on phenotypic (yield) data of progeny of individual cloned plants from a population and the simultaneous genotyping of these individual plants with many molecular markers, the breeding value of these parent genotypes as well as of plants that have only been genotyped can be estimated (= principle of genomic prediction). This means that the "founder" plants of a new (yield) improved population can be selected from a new seed sample of the same population only by means of marker analysis. In addition to yield, plant height, lodging tolerance, leaf rust resistance, thousand grain weight, falling number and baking quality are also taken into account. To demonstrate the success of this breeding scheme, it must be run through once completely. Afterwards, the improved population is compared with the initial material and the genetic progress for the different traits is determined. We test this procedure with a sample of each of two commercially available rye populations used in organic farming.